Untitled by Dave Dembinski

     I’d been alright for about a week. I’d managed to tap into that almost infinite human capacity to make the extraordinary seem passé and hadn’t thought about that horrible morning and the sickening feeling I had as one of my gaming buddies told me about it after Japanese class. Until today. Today, I went to http://www.theonion.com because, hey, I was bored at work.
     Originally, I had planned to completely avoid talking about this here. After all, I figured everyone else and their brother would be doing so already, and anyway like I said I thought I was over it. What I’ve finally realized, though, is that I don’t really feel like discussing anything else, and I’m too tired to think about this. So, for now, this is me, sighing.


dave dembinski
dave founded the hold in July of 1998. he is also editor and occasionally writes poetry. dave has a habit of finding people with questions that need answers. if you fit the bill go to dave's Virtual Help Desk and toss your canary caca his way.

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