
My sky is dark tonight….

Even the stars
have taken the night off

No lights dance on my horizons
My soothing mobilis is gone…

The lights
turned off by terrorist hands
looking for the quick
“religious experience”
that most associate
with the ultimate orgasm
and a voracious appetite
for sex and lust,

This orgasm came
and maliciously
with the intent
of rape
with no escape
on a free society

This free society,
as the tempestuous lover,
that steals away the purity of heart
in a solicitous art
with no regrets
for the backs it steps on.

And as these jealous lovers
went searching for retaliation
and compensation
for their pain, suffering
and religious freedom,
they became nomads
with no nads
on a quest to reek havoc,
being the steppers on backs,
that would change lives forever.

As the tip of the plane hit tower one,
where was their God?

As the tip of the plane hit tower two,
where was their God?

As the tip of the plane hit the Pentagon,
where was their God?

When the plane hit the ground in Pennsylvania
where was their God?

He wasn’t there to receive
so-called “holy rebels”
He was comforting the souls
of the new victims of terror.

He wasn’t there to anoint
murders hiding behind religion.
He was opening his arms
to relieve the pain and suffering
of innocence and purity.

He wasn’t there to praise
the criminal acts against mankind.
He was there to console
those left in anguish of loss
and give hope to carry on.

It doesn’t matter what language you speak,
or the color of your skin.
It doesn’t matter what continent, country
or even state of mind you stand in.
It doesn’t matter what name your God carries,
or how you choose to worship him.
because there is no religion
that grants freedom
in rape and murder
and no one in the world
is justified to steal innocent souls.

“Whether we bring our enemies to justice,
or bring justice to our enemies,
justice will be done...

My sky is not so dark tonight….

Even the stars are coming back in to view

Lights, again, dance on my horizons.
My soothing mobilis is on…

In Your Beginning

In your beginning…
there is
infinite darkness
Purity in nothing
Desire in emptiness

In your beginning…
You are
a shapeless statue
waiting to be molded
marble of mind
chisel of strength
freedom of spirit
beauty of heart

In your beginning…
you are
searching for light
on enlightened paths
in the shadows of masters
walking hand in hand
and Jesus


For that
Authentic Stride
in to Life

Earth breathing, calling, sighing,
beneath your feet

Taking that
Authentic Stride
in to Life

Authentic Stride
in to the moment
of realization
everything that will be is
everything that is will be

Authentic Stride
in to existence
all that you are is
all that you will become



of your existence
where you become
the sculpture
of sculptures
in your
Authentic Existence
in your
Authentic Existence
in your
Authentic Existence

You are you…

In your beginning…
                     In your beginning…
                                          In your beginning…

R L 'whoopeecat' Stephenson
     R L "whoopeecat" Stephenson has been livin' with the cactus and horny toads for many years. It certainly has affected his views, not to mention the few dances with peyote doin' the same. Slingin' hash, or grub to most folks, being an accomplished Executive Chef has put the groceries in the fridge and a roof over his head. He is editor/publisher of Whoopeecat Press. His work appears on various websites. Accomplishments - chapbook: "Nola in the Streets" and "Howlin' Cat Blues" - 15 poem CD.
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